


Love Does : giveaway!!

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For awhile now, I've heard this buzz about a book titled "Love Does" by Bob Goff, and have always thought I should 
read it at some point!
Well recently I was at a bookstore, and found that book and another one, Crash the Chatterbox, on a shelf together.
I instagramed a photo of them and commented how both of these books were on my list to read someday.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, when out of the blue I got a super sweet package out of the blue from a friend 
(you know who you are!!) and was blown away to find this book inside.
Seriously, talk about making my day. :)
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I'm about halfway through it, and it is super duper good.
(i.e. I started reading and thought 'wow, this is profound' and then realized I was just reading the 'introduction' 
and hadn't even started on chapter 1.)

The author Bob Goff lives in a way that is drastically different, and through sharing lots of different life experiences (some hilarious, others very thought-provoking) encourages you that love is about doing.
Don't tell me that you love Jesus, show me.

A couple quotes I pulled from the pages:

"It has always seemed to me that broken things, just like broken people, get used more; 
it's probably because God has more pieces to work with."

"I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable events in our lives to point us toward him. 
We get to decide each time whether we will lean in toward what is unfolding and say yes or back away. 
The folks who were following Jesus in Galilee got to decide the same thing each day because there was no road map, 
no program, and no certainty. 
All they had was this Person, an idea, and an invitation to come and see."
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"I think God speaks something meaningful into our lives and fills us up and helps us change the world regardless 
of ourselves and our shortcomings. 
His name for us is His beloved..He hopes we'll start to see ourselves as His beloved rather than think 
of all the reasons that we aren't."

"Faith isn't an equation or a formula or a business deal that gets you what you want. 
In short, there's nothing on the other side of the equals sign, just Jesus."
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Today I want to spread the love and give away a copy of this book to one of you readers!!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and mention a favorite book you've read!
Boom, entered. :)

[one comment per person, open to US residents only, giveaway ends Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014 
at midnight CST, and a winner will be chosen using random.org and announced in Monday's blog post!]

have a fabulous weekend!!
~H. Elise
connect on


  1. My favorite book that I have been reading is Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss!

  2. Ooh, looks like a good book! :)

  3. Whoop, whoop! I read START by Jon Acuff last year. He's the author of the hilarious book "Stuff Christians Like" and its related blog.

  4. Ohhhh,thats on my books to read list!!!! hmmmm,I don't know if I have a favorite.

  5. Thanks for doing this giveaway Hannah!
    I have alot of favorite books, but the series I just recently read, which are absolutely awesome, is written by C.R. Hedgcock. There are 4 books in the Baker Family Adventures Series: Summer of Suspense, Peril on Providence Island, Riddle of the Ruby Ring, and The Treacherous Trail. :) I love these books! I would say these are my favorite fictional books!


  6. Oooh! This book is on my "to-read" list on goodreads! I'd love to own a copy! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

    Hm. One of my top favorite books is definitely The Book Thief. :)

  7. Yay! I started reading this once and now I want to finish! :) Kisses from Katie would probably have to be one of my top books. SUCH an inspiring book!

    Fingers crossed. :)

  8. Sounds like a great book! I would love to own a copy. I am a huge reader, and so my list of favourites is very, very long. But one of the best books I have ever read is Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. Such an encouragement to go beyond what's expected of you and ditch the status quo. Loved it! Thanks for doing a give-away!

  9. Looks like an excellent book! One of my favorites is In His Steps by Charles Sheldon.

  10. One of my favorite books is The Shadow of the Bear by Regina Doman.

  11. I would love to read this book! As for a favorite, Lotus Buds by Amy Carmichael would be in the top ten.

  12. It's hard to pick a favorite book. John Piper's "The Pleasures of God" is pretty awesome. :)

  13. One of my favorite books to read is Swordbird by Nancy Yi Fan

  14. My latest favorite is Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung.... it's excellent! :)

  15. favorite of mine: "A Chance to Die" by Elisabeth Elliot.

  16. My hall is starting to read this book with our small group! It seems like an awesome book so far! I would love to have my own copy!

  17. My favorite book has been "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric & Leslie Ludy for quite some time. I'd love to read "Love Does" :)

  18. Hannah! This is so cool. I've heard a lot of great things about this book. I actually used an excerpt from it for one of Kari and Erich's wedding gifts! Still haven't read it, for some reason...

    And. one of my favorite books is "Captivating" by John and & Stasi Eldridge.

  19. Ahh!!! This book sounds SO GOOD!! I would looooove to win. =)
    A favorite book I've read lately is How To Blog for Profit {Without Selling Your Soul}
    I have a love/hate relationship with it, haha. =) But its a super good business book!!

  20. Trying to choose a favorite book is like trying to pick a favorite star. So one of my favorites would be Bruchko.


  21. Stephany LykkegaaardOctober 3, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    My maiden name is 'Goff'! (No relation though - that I know of ;)

  22. i love One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, so inspiring.

  23. Ooh! I've heard + read so many good things about this book!

    Right now I'm reading The JESUS Code and I'm so enjoying it so far!

  24. I am currently reading (and loving) "Seeking Allah and Finding Jesus" by Nabeel Qureshi.

  25. How could I ever choose a favorite book?! ;) I guess I'll have to settle for one I've ready multiple times- Crazy Love by Francis Chan! SO GOOD! I'd love to read Loves Does, I've heard so many good things about it!

  26. Ohhhh sounds really good! I really like growing up Duggar and Jane Eyre, so far ;)

  27. Wow--sounds like an awesome book and one I should read! One of my favorite books is "Mighty Prevailing Prayer" by Wesley Duewel. It has a ton of really good points, and has helped me a lot with my prayer life.

  28. I just finished "Jungle Pilot" about the life of Nate Saint by Hitt. Super inspiring!

  29. Looks like my comment didn't publish. lol One book that i've recently read and love is "You Are Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth. It has really encouraged me! :)

  30. One of my favorite books is "Preparing to be a Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl. Lots of godly wisdom! :) God bless!

  31. One of my favorite series is the "Christy Miller Series" by Robin Jones Gunn!

  32. One of my favorites, that I am currently reading, is "Sacred Singleness" by Lelise Ludy. SO good. Btw, I saw Bob Goff in Convo last semester...pretty stellar :)

  33. For fiction, the 'Seasons of the Heart' series by Janette Oke (or ANYTHING from Janette Oke!!).
    For non-fiction, 'It's (not that) Complicated' by the Botkin sisters. This one is a must-read for girls 16 and up!
    Currently I'm reading the auto-biography of Hudson Taylor, and would love to add 'Love Does' book to my library!! =)

  34. I really enjoyed "20 and Counting" by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. Very practical and applicable for me.

    -Erin Snyder

  35. Little Women was good. I don't like reading much, but this one I wanted to finish.

    ~Kristen Snyder :)

  36. Oh, a favorite book? So many to choose from....but one favorite is "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung

  37. This sounds like a really good book. I would love to read it. I have heard of Bob Goff but never read anything by him. Right now my favorite book is, "These Strange Ashes" by Elisabeth Elliot...it's so good!

  38. Fun! My favorite two books are: "Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis and "Growing Up Duggar" by Janna, Jill {Dillard}, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar.

  39. My favorite read recently is Music Matters by Cary Schmidt.

  40. "Evidence not seen" is a fantastic book!

  41. Taylor's Gift by Todd and Tara Storch is a great book on what a precious gift life is and how people handle difficult situations in life differently. I have been loving your blog lately and especially the photography tips!

  42. I recently read Crazy Love by Francis Chan & it was so good! Highly recommend :)

  43. I've heard so much about this book! One I've been loving - it's for a class but I really enjoy it - is Soul Shaper by Keith Drury. :)

  44. The Christmas Shoes series by Donna Vanliere. I am currently reading the Love Comes Softly series by Jeanntte Oke. I also like books by Nicholas Sparks.

  45. I would love to win this book! It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really enjoyed The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns.
    Kisses From Katie was great, too!

  46. A favorite book I've read is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It's a great read!

  47. Exciting! Looks like a great book! Hmmm. I think my favorite book is If God Is Good by Randy Alcorn. :)


  48. Sounds great! I've tried to steer away from fluffy novels and read more substantial titles. I've enjoyed Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss and gods at war Kyle Idleman

  49. Thank you so much for doing this! This book sounds amazing and like exactly what I need in my life right now. I haven't had much of a chance to read lately, but I have to admit I recently indulged in Divergent... And loved it.

  50. Some good books i've read recently are ' the Guerrillas have taken our son' by Chad and Pat Stendal, and it's sequel, 'Rescue the captors' by their son Russell Stendal.
    Have a great day! Ruth Watson

  51. probably When Crickets Cry by charles martin, or Window to the World

  52. The Debt by Angela Hunt is one of my favorite books!

  53. one of my favorite books is "Kisses from Katie" ...very inspiring!!
    -Janelle Horner

  54. I'm finishing up "A Woman's Walk with God" by Elizabeth George. Very convicting, and also encouraging! I would love to win this :)

  55. I recently read Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool. It's technically a children's book, but I loved it.

  56. I really want to read this! I loooove Captivating by John & Staci Eldridge, one of my go-to books for sure:)

  57. Choosing Gratitude was a game-changer for me!

  58. The child in me is saying to go with The Clever Carpenter, and well, it IS a fairly fantastic book, so I'm inclined to give this one to him.

  59. I like When GOD Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy!


please leave a comment -- I would love to hear your thoughts on this post!! :)