


score thrifty : spots + satin!

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welcome to this month's installment of score thrifty!
garage sales have been in full swing...and while I haven't gone to as many as I would like
 [which is probably good for my wallet] :P I have had some fun finds lately...

glass punch bowl w/ 12 cups : $5
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now all I need is some friends to come over for a party. :)
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hamper basket : $3
Otto has one in his room that was starting to get in bad shape,
and so this will be awesome because it is in great condition and also taller than the other one.
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you guys have already seen this apron in the pictures of Harper--
I picked it up at a garage sale for 50 cents and it fit her perfectly.
totally cute.
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this shirt I'm not planning on wearing, but it was way too fun to pass up for a quarter!
it is pretty big and with the fun pockets/buttons I'll have to come up with some project to use it in..
a pillow maybe?
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forever 21 striped dress : $2
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now THIS was probably the biggest score thrifty of them all...
Dressbarn collection satin dress for $2. TWO.
perfect condition...it was marked $5 and I asked if she would go less and she said $2.
nice garage sale lady, you rock.
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H&M pink tee : $1
I have yet to get to an H&M [or IKEA for that matter] but those are some stores on my dream shopping list. :)
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fun knitted shrug.. [that still had the original price tag on it!] : $1
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old tin : $1
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card sets : $1 for both
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love this scarf..you guys know I'm all about color!
50 cents.
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fringe-y boots : $5
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.25 cents for a Clinique tote...not sure if I'll keep this or give it away..we'll see.
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another item for my Aztec/Indian shoot!
$1 kid moccasins..boy everything I've collected for that session is starting to pile up.
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I didn't get a picture of it but I love looking through VHS movies at garage sales ,
because every so often I find one we actually don't own [shocker]
and I recently found Pollyanna...which I grew up watching as a kid!
I felt like I was reliving my childhood watching it with the little boys..love that movie!
[random sidenote: people that ask $1-2 for VHS movies at garage sales
seriously need some pricing help...I mean, c'mon!
They should always be a quarter...just my opinion. :P ]

what thrifty finds have you had?

~H. Elise
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  1. Hannah! you inspire me, girl. I just went garage saling the other day and found some very fun deals...which I never thought of posting about until I read your lovely post. Now I shall promptly go and copy you. (grin) do I have your permission, pretty please? =) I shall credit & link to you!
    My FAV of your deals is the brown satin dress. Eek, that is SOOO gorgeous!! Love the ruched sash!! What a bargain.
    And the tin was super cool too. =) Everything was...but those are the two that stood out to me.
    Was this in Williamsburg that you went, or..??
    gotta love thrift. it is the B.E.S.T way to live, hands down. I mean, just between me and you, we save hundreds of dollars every year.
    How cool is that?! =)
    love you...

    1. Absolutely chels!! I got the idea to share thrifty finds from another blogger so you can definitely use my idea! Most of this stuff was from swisher garage sales (EPIC)..it totally is the best way to live!! Love ya too!

  2. i was feeling score thrifty today lol :)

  3. I LOVE that brown dress! Garage sale-ing is pretty fun!

  4. Love the Satin Dress...swoon. :)

  5. Love the brown dress!!! :)


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