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Happy summer -- guys!!
 I'm grateful to have slower days here..I recently finished up piano lessons for the school year
and it's nice to have some breathing room now..
Like I actually felt bored last weekend -- can you believe that?!! :)
I don't think I've felt that way since 2015 sometime..haha
My life has been a crazy ride since January..oh man..

May was a great month overall goals-wise..
the last part of the month I slacked off more on some things, but some good stuff that happened were :
working out (I did this a lot -- wearing workout clothes to bed the night before definitely helps with this), finishing memorizing Psalm 37 (which I didn't finish exactly by the end of May but am basically done -- I have it down in my head and I just need to quote to someone), finalized some price sheets,
cleaning up my room for a few mins each night (again..but that was working really well but slacked off more with this by the end of the month). 
But anyways -- #progressoverperfection..some imperfect progress is way better than no progress at all. 
Keep that in mind with whatever goals you're trying to gain -- keep pushing forward with it!!

Some things to woot about :

+ McDonald's Reese's McFlurry with extra Reese's…these are so good + my current crush. McDonald's is underrated, guys..

+ Ironically (after that last point) -- running is becoming my new passion..man, nothing feels good like running. Love it..
+ Beautiful sunlight summer evenings with golden hour..so pretty.
+ Love + the Outcome -- this band is one of my new obsessions..some of my favorite songs are : The God I Know, Heart Like You (Live), No Mistaking [It's You], Ask, City of God, The Story You're Building in Me.
You can check them out online or actually you can just listen to some samples below..

+ If you want a great video to watch -- be sure to check out the Lara Casey video on her Facebook Page on Summer Goals Live -- click HERE + just scroll down and find the one on Summer Goals from June 3rd (she is also doing weekly videos this summer on her Facebook page -- and you don't have to have Facebook to watch..you just go to her Facebook page and you should be able to watch them)..I love how she talked about getting ahead on things here with the summer -- to go into the fall feeling completely unrushed -- at peace. Love her..she is basically #goals. She just has such a great heart, love for God + how she loves people + is doing things, has priorities in place, etc. Something that she said awhile back in a video that has really stuck with me is this : "If that is God's will then that is God's will and we will be grateful for that. 
We're gonna be grateful either way..even if there's sorrow or heartbreak on either side we will be very grateful -- because if that's His will then that's what is meant to be." I don't know that I put everything in the exact right order of how she worded it, but I have loved those words. That was in relation to their adoption of a baby + they weren't sure if they were going to get the baby or not. But really having that perspective in life -- that if something happens then that is His will + if it doesn't then it isn't His will..and being grateful for it either way..because if that's what's happens then it's meant to be..even if it feels hard at times. And if _______ doesn't happen then that's not His will + owning that. Not hoping for _______ to happen + getting my hopes in that -- which will let you down. But really hoping in His will -- I'm realizing is the best place to be..and along with that believing that He is sovereign + trusting that. 

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Some June goals here..


+ Workout 4x a week. I did 3x last week..and want to really stay on track with this.

+ Journal more..I haven't journaled in forever. I've started journaling with my Bible time + just writing down verses that God is speaking to me or things He is impressing on me during that time -- but I haven't journaled in my regular journal in awhile + it's important to chronicle the journey.
+ Finish reading 168 hours..I only sat down + read this once I think, and want to finish it out. 
+ At least finish Crash the Chatterbox..I don't have much more left in this + just need to do it.
+ Just chill + be okay with it..I'm realizing I actually have issues with like sitting down to relax and watch a movie..like you know you're a workaholic or something when?!! :) #laughingcryingemoji Giving myself the freedom to just BE and be okay with it -- I think it comes with running two businesses and just having a lot of responsibility in my life -- I'm always doing things + have a lot to stay on top of + have a hard time letting go of that mentality.
+ Start memorizing 1 Corinthians 15.
+ Start the school pictures project for my brothers..haven't done this yet and would like to get 2 of these done this month. Just need to start it..
+ Do a blog post about something God has spiritually been teaching me for awhile.


+ Keep blogging regularly -- didn't blog as much as I would have liked last month..but progress over perfection, guys. :)

+ Start working everyday on a big project!!
+ Work between the hours of 9-5 or I actually may start working earlier in the day as that will work better with my family's schedule..basically figure this out better + really put myself on lockdown with working during my work hours. I've slacked off with this and have to be better about it.
+ Do a brain dump on paper of all the blog posts I want to do..I've got a lot of ideas and need to figure out action steps to break them down + make it happen!!
+ Finish editing + blog the Spring Models shoots from May..these were awesome -- I've posted a lot of previews from these over on my FACEBOOK PAGE if you didn't see them yet!!
+ Blog two installments of the Motherhood Series!! 

Other randomness..

+ Who's in the St. Louis area or could drive a few hours to get there?!! The Bright Lights ministry is hosting conferences for girls (ages 8-22+!!) and parents in a few weeks -- and you all should totally go!! Bright Lights has been such an awesome impact on my life + I know you would be so encouraged + blessed by these!! Even if you can't go -- would you take a second and share this post with someone who is in that area?!! Just e-mail them the link to this post or TAG them on my Facebook page or Instagram feed when I post about it. Thanks so much for spreading the word with this!!!

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Click HERE for the online flyer to read more about it, watch the video below to learn more 

be sure to click HERE to register!!!

+ Now booking 2017 SENIORS -- or if you're interested in a family session this year as well -- shoot me an e-mail!!  I will only be accepting a limited number of seniors for this summer/fall, so please keep that in mind. Also I will be in Northern Iowa (Mason City area) later this summer + also possibly be in Nashville, TN + North Carolina again..so if you're interested in sessions at any of those places -- please shoot me an e-mail and I would love to talk more!! :)

--> hannah@hannaheliseblog.com
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p.s. if you're on SNAPCHAT + would like to see more daily life/BTS/randomness/life hacks/photo tips -- you can add me by tapping HERE (if you're on mobile -- it should open in your Snapchat app) or add by username @HannahEliseBlog + I'll add you back!! :)
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