



Guys, I just can't even.
About two weeks ago my beloved Grandma Frankie passed away,
and maybe I'll share more about that down the road here...one of the hardest things I've walked thru.
These last two weeks have been really hard..but God has been good.

But in regards to that with my internship -- I have contacted the girls who were accepted and since I still have room + didn't have time to market or promote before the original deadline ended due to my Grandmother's passing --
I am extending it here since I still have space and in case anyone else is interested. 
 photo Blog Internship Cover.jpg

Have you been needing a push with your business or
are wanting to turn your photography hobby into a business?
I have been there with needing a push and know how that feels.
I would love to have you attend if you're interested in this + share what I have learned over the past 4+ years of running my business and help you get your business off on the right foot, avoid mistakes I've made
+ help equip you to succeed.
If you have enjoyed my SOME THINGS I'VE LEARNED posts or my #HANNAHELISETUESDAYTIP posts on my Instagram and would like a motherload of information -- then this is for you!!

TO APPLY : please fill out THIS APPLICATION,
+ e-mail it to hannah@hannaheliseblog.com by Tuesday, July 12th at midnight CST 
and I will be contacting those who are accepted by July 14th.
If you have any questions on anything don't hesitate to e-mail me (hannah@hannaheliseblog.com),
send me a DM on Instagram or message me on my Facebook Page!!
**please save your application as a .pdf

"Where do I even start???? The Hannah Elise Internship last summer changed the way I take pictures. I was able to connect my knowledge about the creative/artistic side of photography with the technical and business side."

"Going to Hannah's internship was THE best thing for my business. She was such an encouragement! If you're thinking about going to one of her internships... Don't think twice! You will not regret it!  You'll leave with so many helpful tips, knowledge, and tools for your business! And lots of lasting friendships!" 

And if you're reading this and can think of someone who might be interested in this  -- 
could you please E-MAIL them the link to this post, SHARE this on Facebook 
or TAG them on my Instagram?!! 
I would SO appreciate your help in spreading the word about this!!

Thanks so much, guys.
connect on

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