


score thrifty : grey + childhood books!

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Well happy May Day!
I was thinking yesterday that since May 1 will fall on a Saturday next year, someone needs to get married that day 
and give May Baskets as favors to all the guests..and obviously let me shoot the wedding. ;)
Honestly though, how fun would that be?!
Just putting it out there.

Can you believe this is the last installment of the Ten Day Tandem?
These past few weeks have gone by fast!!
I hope you all have had fun, I sure have..and if you think Chelsy and I should do it again someday 
be sure to comment on this post and let us know!
I would also love to hear what your favorite post was. :)

I'm capping things off with a good ol' Score Thrifty!!
Enjoy this post and I'd love to hear what your newest thrifty find is!
p.s. can I get an amen for the start of garage sale season?

If you find a coat with your monogrammed initial on it, you better buy it.
Never seen an 'H' jacket until now!
This was $4 via goodwill.
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If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know I am a huge fan of Kohl's sale racks.
Loved this grey tulle skirt I ran across for $15!!
If anyone wants to use it in a shoot this year let me know. :)
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I'm a sucker for bright blue anything -- $4.50, Old Navy clearance.
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How fun is this little woven table mat?
$1.50 courtesy of Salvation Army.
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Another grey skirt I found at goodwill a month ago -- $4.
This one is J. Crew brand and even has pockets, holla!!
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I got each of these little frames for $1 a piece, and haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with them..
obviously I could put prints inside, or frame different quotes.
I think grouped altogether on a wall would look awesome..if anyone has ideas I'd love to hear!
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I've recently gotten into hand embroidery and therefore loved this blouse..the detail is just gorgeous.
$6 from Stuff, Etc.
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Vintage shoes with elastic for the win -- $5, goodwill.
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I couldn't believe that I found ANOTHER Amelia Notebook for $1!!
Major shout out to whoever keeps donating these to goodwill, I love you.
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Kind of freaked out when I found these BBC dvd's at Salvation Army, $2 each in mint condition!
I had never heard of these versions before as they are older..the S&S was pretty good (this version is still my fave),
and I haven't watched the Emma one yet.
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Nothing like finding one of your childhood books for a buck!!
I LOVED this one as a kid, it is hilarious.
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Grover is all concerned because there is supposedly a monster at the end of the book,
so he doesn't want you to turn any pages.
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I read it to my brothers and then they kept requesting it again and again..so great.
You get to the end and it was just lovable, furry old Grover. :)
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Another childhood fave -- Ox-Cart Man! 
Salvation Army strikes again for $1.50.
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And this $5 umbrella is just the coolest..
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I mean its one of those unique dome shaped ones -- seriously, who gives this stuff away?!
Mind officially blown.
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Bring on the rainy days!!
"going to the Post Office, IN THE RAIN, oh you sad girl."
Virtual high five if you know this quote from the Emma movie, 2009 version. :)
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happy friday, everyone!! 
Thanks for following along, and I'll still be posting regularly in the coming weeks --
be watching my Facebook Page and Instagram for session previews!

Hannah Elise
connect on


  1. You are the queen of finding thrifted treasures, Hannah! That grey tulle skirt is just fabulous. Thanks for sharing your finds with us! {And thanks again for this blog series! To answer your question if you should do it again - um, ABSOLUTELY. :) It was a huge blessing! A couple of my fave posts were >> things to woot about, the missions interview, the photographing kids post, Liesl's birth story...and I'd better stop before I list them all. :) Thanks again!}

  2. ok, well.....favorites? Score thrifty-always love those! And your Outfit of the Day post was fabs. And the birth story.....ok that is more than one favorite. But yes, I'm a huge fan of the ten-day tandem! It is so fun (and went by fast) and I love that it's not quite as hard on two of my favorite people, yet still pushes you gals to post and is awesome for us readers. So there's my two cents!
    love you girl!

  3. oh...almost forgot! I LOVED "Things to Woot About"!!! I think those are my favorite favorite posts you do. the end.

  4. I'm so sad 10 day tandom is done. It doesn't even seem like you did 10 posts already. I think you should've done a giveaway. You definetly should do posts together very soon. I like that second skirt you posted. That's nice it has pockets. :)
    please follow my blog by email! creatingpreciousmoments.blogspot.com

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. LOVE that grey tulle skirt. If you can't find any other takers I will model it for you, haha. =)
    And you got the virtual high five right here on the umbrella/emma quote. #fav

    Well I definitely vote for the ten day tandem again...if you can convince Chels to do it. =)

    Was so fun to do this together!!

  7. Wow, you have scored some great stuff! :) I like both the skirts, and I remember 'The Monster at the end of the book'... It's a fun read. :)
    And, I really enjoyed this Ten Day Tandem! (So yes, do it again!)

  8. I LOVED the 10 day tandem! Please do it again, actually, please do it once a quarter (4 times a year). ;)


  9. Love the skirts!! basically if we ever get to meet in person we should go thrift shopping together and you can teach me your skills on how to find the best little treasures. :)

  10. I love all of the stuff you got!! Almost got the same tulle skirt from Kohl's (I've been wanting one for EVER now) but it was a L or something and that's just WAY too big. Like, c'mon, seriously?

  11. Hey Hannah Elise,
    You said there was going to be a giveaway in the 10 day tandom, but there wasn't. Can you please do one soon?


please leave a comment -- I would love to hear your thoughts on this post!! :)