


may goals

Well you all probably thought I dropped off the face of the planet -- sorry for not posting at all last week!
Lots of other stuff going on that I was trying to keep up with..and since I didn't technically have to blog,
it was honestly nice to take a little break. :)  photo cover_1.jpg
Woohoo May!!
Is it just me, or did everything suddenly take off at lightening speed once the calendar flipped to this month?!
Seriously, everything is moving too fast for me here..let's look back at how April goals stacked up..


+ write one letter a week. Success! Cheers! Virtual popcorn party + confetti. 

+ piano studio recital. I get so proud of my students when they perform after working so hard on their songs, they all did such a fabulous job!!

+ enjoy spring. Boo yes. Also can someone explain to me why lilacs have such a short life span? #dontleave #floodgates


+ order new business cards. It may have been April 30th, but I got these ordered and am THRILLED with them! I ended up getting 5x7 magnets to use as my new business cards, and I have wanted to get business card magnets for years. I designed them in photoshop myself and then printed through Mpix
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+ work on new blog/website. Just last week I got to see the first draft of my new blog from the designer I'm working with, and am so excited!! Can't wait to have it done in the next month or two.

+ photoshoot for spring girl models. This was so much fun!! I worked with 7 different families, and there's nothing like having cute girls at your disposal! I've posted a ton of previews on my FB page HERE and Instagram HERE, stay tuned for the blog post of my favorites..coming soon. :)

+ blog April 20-May 1 for the Ten Day Tandem. Yay, Chels & I did it! Thank you all for joining us each day and being so encouraging. :)

Okay May.

personal : 

+ purge clothes. I just switched out all my winter clothes for summer/winter ones, but want to go through them more and pare down to what I actually wear regularly, same for my closet which has more 'formal' attire like dresses, etc. There's no point in keeping something if I only use it a couple times a year, and I always love the feeling of cleaning stuff out/re-organizing!

+ start a new embroidery project. This didn't happen last month, but is going to happen here in May!

+ get outside. Sometimes I feel all #cavewomanstatus between teaching piano lessons from home, answering e-mails, editing, etc, and it always does me good to get outside! Even if its just a short walk and I'm not working out. So here's to enjoying the beautiful outdoors more. :)

work :

+ get inbox down to zero. It's that time again. 

+ internship prep. Guys, its less than a month away! So utterly excited about the girls that are coming in, the content we will be learning, gorgeous families that will be modeling for us, and other fun stuff! Cannot wait.

+ finish 'Make it Happen', progress in 'EntreLeadership.' Anyone else have any good books you're reading right now, or want to get your hands on? I love hearing recommendations so please comment with them!

+ shoot. I have a couple more family sessions to photograph this month, and also am second-shooting a wedding! Also I am currently booking for June/July, so if you are interested in a shoot send me an e-mail [ hannah@hannaheliseblog.com ] or message me via HERE! For any 2016 seniors, I'm only accepting a limited number of you for this summer/fall so if you would like me to do them contact ASAP so I can be sure to fit you in!!

What goals do you have for this month?
Even if you don't blog, I would encourage you to write them down and stick up on your wall, 
or simply tell a friend what you're hoping to accomplish!
Nothing like accountability.

happy monday!

Hannah Elise
connect on


  1. love this. so good. your goals always inspire me. =)
    my brother just got entreleadership. I will have to read it next when he's done. love dave ramsey stuff!!

  2. way to go, hannah! super excited to see your recap from the spring girls model days - the previews are killer gorgeous. :) thanks for your inspiration to keep pressing on + getting things done!

  3. Hannah dear, this is so good! I, too, always love love your goals post. I especially love how real you are about when you don't accomplish them, and how you're ok with that, too. Goal-setting is such a balance, and I love how you push yourself, yet take time to enjoy life. Be blessed today in whatever you are doing! Love you, and love this online space of yours.:)


please leave a comment -- I would love to hear your thoughts on this post!! :)