Along with my MOTHERHOOD SERIES I've wanted to do a roundup of some things for Mothers --
so here are some items for Moms along with some other links/randomness you might enjoy!! :)
+ Briar Handmade -- seriously, how ridiculously cute are these bonnets??! These would be adorable in a photo session..just saying.. :) INSTAGRAM -- @BRIARHANDMADE
+ MORIAHMADE -- if you use Essential Oils, then you totally need one of these bags. These are super awesome + we all need more zippered pouches in our lives..right?! INSTAGRAM -- @MORIAHMADE
+ Solly Baby Wrap -- I'm such a fan of these..also I wouldn't object if anyone got one + wanted to use it in their family session this year..just throwing that out there.. :) INSTAGRAM -- @SOLLYBABYWRAP
+ GraceLaced is a beautiful artist + has wonderful, truth-filled words in her good. You can read more encouragement on her blog + also see her shop HERE. She has some new wedding gift prints + 15% off storewide sale currently -- use the code TOGETHER15. INSTAGRAM -- @GRACELACED
+ Alice + Ames dresses for girls -- seriously, I wish I could get one of these in my cool + fun. Again -- anyone want to get one of these for their family session?!! :) INSTAGRAM -- @ALICEANDAMES
+ Set Apart Motherhood has awesome articles for Mothers on their website, or you can also purchase their magazines to read HERE!!
+ If you are a working Mom, you might find THIS POST super helpful -- all about having urgency in working in short burst of time + is really genius!!
+ If you want to be apart of a reading group, you can join the NANCY RAY BOOK CLUB and you can join in + watch her Periscopes each week (or watch through her Twitter..I think they are live for 24 least that's how I watch them..) + sign up for her e-mail newsletter HERE for info with her book club. You can join her Facebook Group Book Club HERE. Currently they are reading 168 Hours -- You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam..I'm reading this + it's great. INSTAGRAM -- @NANCYRAY.
+ For some everyday Mom style be sure to check out THIS POST and you can get more outfit ideas on Merrick's blog too!! INSTAGRAM -- @MERRICKSART
+ Val Marie Paper has this awesome post on fitting reading into your life + also has other awesome blog posts to read + products in HER SHOP. INSTAGRAM -- @VALMARIEPAPER She also has a book club based off her book the Finishing School + you can join her Facebook group for that HERE -- also if you're on Periscope watch her videos or if you're on Twitter you should be able to watch the replay within 24 hours (watch for those HERE).
+ If you would like some calming music to listen to everyday, I recommend David Tolk on Spotify) or Dana Cunningham -- you can get a free Spotify account (you just have to listen to ads on there..but you can create playlists and listen to music + all, and the ads aren't really a big deal) I use it all the time + play on my computer or on my phone with the app. Dana Cunningham music is like a haven, and David Tolk's is just awesome.
You can listen to some samples here..
+ RadandHappy is hilarious and so great..also her snapchat (@radandhappy) is pretty much the best ever + you all need this reminder HERE. :) You are doing awesome as a Mom in all you're doing + you are a rockstar!! INSTAGRAM -- @RADANDHAPPY
What links or current faves do you have as Mom or girl?!!!
I would love to hear -- please comment + share them below so we can all hear!!! :)
Please let me know if you enjoyed this post and if you found it helpful please SHARE ON FACEBOOK or PIN the above image!!!
Thanks for helping spread the word to any Moms you know or any friends you have!!
If you are interested in booking a family session feel free to check out my work HERE
+ shoot me an e-mail if you would like schedule something!!
Happy Friday!!
If you are interested in booking a family session feel free to check out my work HERE
+ shoot me an e-mail if you would like schedule something!!
Happy Friday!!
That image design though!! Love. :)