


my brothers : 2015 edition.

For those of you that don't know, I have 7 brothers.
Yes, S E V E N.
I am the only girl, which I do feel outnumbered at times but on the other hand I've always had my own bedroom and never get hand-me-downs, so there are definitely perks?! :)
In all seriousness though, my brothers are the best and I am super grateful for each one.
All distinct in their own way, with so many talents and personalities.
These are the youngest 5 who are still in school -- I also have a brother Erich who got married last fall,
and another brother Gunther who graduated last spring.

Photographing siblings and photographing clients are two very different things..
Other photogs reading this know exactly what I'm talking about. :)
You just don't have this same type of relationship with anyone else you do pictures for..which can be good, or more challenging.
Because apparently they feel at liberty with me to ham it up?! Bahaha.
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Eventually I won out and got at least one print-worthy photo of each kid!
School picture day circa 2015 -- check. :)
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Hannah Elise

p.s. see the ones from last school year HERE. :)
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  1. These are fantastic and the "outtakes" are priceless! And thanks for the reminder that I need to update my brothers' pics, too. #sisterswithonlybrothersunite :)

  2. aww! They are so adorable! Growing up so fast! I can't believe you posted about brothers because I'm planning to do a brothers post later on this week too! Funny. =)

  3. Aren't they just the cutest little guys ever! I love sitting here trying to figure out each personality just by the way that they pose and grin. Great job with these pictures, Hannah. My sisters and I are all older than our 3 younger brothers...they're equally the world most adorable sweethearts and goofballs ;)


please leave a comment -- I would love to hear your thoughts on this post!! :)